Margaret Koo

Week 12

didnt really figure out how to finish this one yet

Paintover wk 11

Josh- For the top image I think there needed to be a focal point so I used light to show the crashing ship and I added some fire in the foreground to separate out the foreground and the middle ground. This image can be really cool if you decide to finish it. The b+w image I feel still needs a lot of refinement in terms of shape and design.

Week 10 hw

Week 9 hw

Week 8 hw

wasnt really sure if i should post these just having trouble with them, not sure what to do:

Week 7 hw

not really sure what kind of vehicle I want to do so I just compiled a bunch of images...

Week 6

Week 5

Week 4

Week 3

Week 2

Josh - Here are some reference for the bird character, I think some of the poses might help. Will do more paintovers for everyone this weekend.
Week 1

Paintover and Notes: 
Josh- the other two sketches you have are pretty good and we went over it in class so I am going over the character only

-I feel the character and the bird should share something common in their designs. Maybe some parts of her clothing are more feather-like and some shapes on the armor are sharper like the talon or the beak of a bird. This also gives the character a more interesting silhouette.

-The bird I just gave it more tech pieces and interesting shapes. Maybe use some reference to get a better pose for the bird too.

-Changed the direction she was looking, in the pose before it looked like she was looking at her watch or something.

-If you want to take this further, I would definitely recommend looking at some reference or take a photo of a friend or yourself in that pose and use that as reference.


  1. Hi Margaret, I like the first one, I think it has a good mood to it, I will paintover these on sunday, sorry for missing class, was at the massive black workshop
