Yves C. Yumol


Paintover for week 11.
Josh - Mainly just changed some values and clean up the shapes. I like where these are going so don't have much to say until these are more refined.

Week 1 Homework


Week 2 Notes:
Josh- we went over the painting with the statues in class and I think thats already a strong sketch so I wanted to give you more feedback on the interior sketch because I feel that sketch has a lot of potential too. I know this is just a sketch but I figure I would give you some notes in case you want to refine this one too.

Week 2 Homework

One from last week that I refined a a bit and added color (A)
3 new color thumbnails (B,C,D)

Chosen thumbnail to refine

I noticed that the colors and values changed quite a bit after uploading to blogger...is there anyway around this ? :/
And thanks for the extra paintover this week, it helped a lot.

Week 3 HW

Week 4 Homework

Thumbnails for 2 characters and a creature for my story.

Week 5 Homework

Here are my 3 refined thumbnails. They still need a lot of work though. 
Haven't gotten to design their heads/faces yet. I've been struggling on designing their shapes 
and making them look rendered. Any help on that would be great. 
The last on the page is the least finished. 

Week 6 Homework

Week 7 Homework

Really having trouble with the arm postion and hands for this last one... spent a lot of time redoing it and can't seem to find a good position/pose for them. Also having trouble drawing them well.

Week 8 Homework Props

Shields and Spear Weopons for Character

Week 9 Homework

Shield and Spear

Here's one of the extra things I want to work on till the end of the term. It's an environment painting I did earlier this year. Hopefully I can get some feedback to take this to finish too, thanks!

Week 10 Homework

Trying to do some thumbnails for my story that I started with my characters this term. 
Hoping to get some kind of environment and perhaps some more illustrative shots later on. 

Had the ideas but had trouble coming up with new compositions 
so used some old thumbs to add on to my story. 


  1. Hey Yves, i've encountered the same problem with the uploading....not sure why its doing it on blogger, try cut and paste the image into a new PSD window and save it as srgb.

    1. under edit- colorsetting (make sure it says sRGB)

  2. thats an awesome sketch Yves, nice composition and story

  3. Hey Yves, the first one for this week is pretty cool, sorry I couldn't attend the class today since I am at the massive black workshop but I will have paintovers for you guys on Sunday
